949-806-3970 |

Patient 2 Breast Reconstruction Before and After Photos

Procedure: Breast Reconstruction*

Patient is an 81 year-old Caucasian female with history of left breast cancer diagnosed back in October of 2006.  She originally had breast implants placed 41 years ago in Brazil for multiple breast cysts.  She underwent left mastectomy with ALND and postop radiation therapy.  She then underwent left latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap reconstruction with implant by another plastic surgeon in 2004.  She then presented to me complaining of severe, acquired asymmetry with disproportion, grade IV capsular contractures (hardening) of both sides and a very high-riding, malpositioned and hardened left-sided implant reconstruction and desired revision.  She did not even look proper in clothing.

She underwent Revision of Bilateral Breasts with Removal of the Old, Silicone Implants,  Total Left Breast Capsulectomy, Right Breast Capsulotomies,  and Replacements with Mentor, Siltex, Round, High Profile Silicone Gels (325 cc on the left side and 400 cc on the right side).  She recovered without event and was thrilled with the improvement.

Front View:


Side View:


Oblique View:


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