949-806-3970 |

Patient 2 Body Contouring Post Massive Weight Loss Before and After Photos

Procedure: Body Contouring Post massive weight loss*

Patient is a pleasant, healthy 39-year old mother of 3 who is status-post Gastric Bypass Surgery in 2007 with an approximate 90-pound weight-loss.  She had maintained this stable weight for several months.  She presented complaining of “saggy breasts” with loss of fullness as well as “extra skin” of her abdomen with stretch marks, and “loose skin” of her arms.  Patient wore about a 36-C-cup bra size but wanted ideally to become a “perkier” D-cup bra-size.  She wished to undergo both the breast and abdominoplasty procedures under one surgical setting, and then deferred her brachioplasty surgery for a later time.  She had Mentor, High-Profile, Smooth, Round, Silicone Gel Implants (425cc) placed in the “Dual-Plane” (partial submuscular) position with full “anchor”-type (inverted-T) Mastopexies and Total Abdominoplasty with rectus plication and pain-pump placement.

Side View:


Oblique View:


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