949-806-3970 |

Patient 1 Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

Procedure: Gynecomastia*

Patient is a 26-year-old Caucasian military male who presents complaining of enlarged breasts secondary to gynecomastia.  He had a history of idiopathic gynecomastia diagnosed as a teenager, and had an excisional surgery performed via lower, peri-areolar incisions at age 15 years.  He presented complaining of persistent fullness of his chest area despite maintaining a healthy weight and extensive exercise and weight-training.  He wanted to make his chest appear flatter and was a good candidate for liposuction of the chest area.  He did not mind that his nipples appeared slightly large or “puffy” and did not desire correction of this.  He underwent Power-Assisted Liposuction of the Chest with removal of a total of 1,050 ml of lipoaspirate via tiny incisions.

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