949-806-3970 |

Patient 2 Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

Procedure: Gynecomastia*

Patient is a 22-year-old healthy Hispanic male who presented complaining of diffuse Gynecomastia and wide, puffy nipples, as well as lipodystrophy of his abdomen.  He was very self-conscious and would not take his T-shirt off at the pool.  He had a preoperative endocrine workup that was negative.  He was a good candidate to undergo surgical correction of his gynecomastia as well as laser liposuction of his abdomen to be performed at the same setting.

He underwent Laser-Assisted, Power-Assisted Liposuction of his Chest with Removal of a total of 1,125 ml (575 ml from the right chest and 550 ml from the left chest) total Lipoaspirate, as well as Surgical Excision of Sub-Areolar Glandular Breast Tissue and Circumareolar Reductions.

Front View:


Side View:


Oblique View:


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