949-806-3970 |

Patient 3 Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

Procedure: Gynecomastia*

Patient is a 39-year-old male who presents complaining of enlarged breasts secondary to gynecomastia.  He first noted his enlarged breasts around the age of 12 years old.  He saw his pediatrician who told him that it would “go away” with time.  However, his breast enlargement never changed.  There was a family history of breast cancer of his father’s sister and his mother’s sister.  There were no first-degree relatives with history of breast cancer.  Patient denied marijuana usage or any drugs that were known to cause gynecomastia.  He denied breast or testicular masses.  He had one episode of nipple discharge as a child that never recurred.    He had a complete endocrinology workup performed at Kaiser Permanente and no definitive cause was identified.  He underwent a full preoperative breast workup and there was no evidence of breast cancer or other breast pathology other than gynecomastia. 

He underwent Laser-Assisted, Power-Assisted Liposuction of his Chest with removal of a total of 600 ml (250 ml from right side and 350 ml from left side) lipoaspirate through tiny incisions for a flatter overall chest.

Front View:


Side View:


Oblique View:


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