949-806-3970 |

Patient 8 Breast Revision Before and After Photos

Procedure: Breast Revision*

Patient is a 51 year-old Caucasian female complaining of hardened breast implants that were placed initially in Newport Beach back in 1986. She wore about a B/C-cup and noticed increasing hardening over the past several years. She had wanted to get the implants removed for many years, however she could not afford to undergo the operation. The implants were subpectoral silicone gels. Preop mammogram reported the implants to be intact but surrounded with calcified capsules and no evidence of malignancy. She had Grade IV capsular contractures on exam. She desired removal of her old implants with capsulectomies and no replacement implants. She did not know the volumes of her implants. She wanted to undergo crescent mastopexies to elevate the nipples after explantation, and understood that she would be much flatter overall. She underwent removal of her old, silicone gel implants that were confirmed to be ruptured intraoperatively, and her capsules were severely calcified. She underwent total capsulectomies and bilateral crescent-type mastopexies. She is very pleased with her result, particularly considering the fact that she did not undergo re-implantation. Her breasts remain soft and very natural-appearing.

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